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FABULOUS PRESS from South Florida LUXURY GUIDE ! November 2016

Leah Chalfen

SPECIAL thanks to Associate Publisher and Editorial Director Lorri Robbins for taking her valuable time to speak with us and curate our chic couture Lamp shade for this awesome issue!

Needless to say you have excellent taste Lorri ;)

This shade is suited for a standing floor lamp or a pendant lamp. It has a Euro fitter and is for use with a LED bulb. Use a striking focal point or flank an entrance, console or piece of art with a pair!

For Trade professionals your order will be through our trade program and all other private clients here is a safe link to purchase here within our e commerce site. Please let us know of any questions by emailing or by calling 212.947.3505 to speak with Leah.


Leah Chalfen

Writer and researcher Iyna Bort Caruso interviews Leah about her couture lamp shades for RESIDE Magazine, Sotheby's Luxury Real Estate Magazine.

Our Light As A Feather Lamp shade style LS11 called the Horse Hair Braid has been selected as part of a round up of the world's top luxury items and experiences available on the market.

Contact us or your decorator to acquire our chic & feathery shades for a beautiful touch in your home environment or interior design project!

See Light As A Feather WALL ART & Feather Mobiles this month: SEOUL & NYC!

Leah Chalfen

DECORAZON Gallery, a contemporary art gallery based in Dallas, TX & London, UK representing Leah Chalfen's distinctive Wall Art and graceful Air Art will be featuring her works of art in a pair of international debuts this September in Seoul, Korea & New York City!

Contact for complimentary passes with the subject line:Guest of Leah C. to have fun filling client's or your own wall space with special works of art!

Artist's statement:

"We are all made of the same stuff! The objets here are made with feathers to mimic birds. They are created for millinery (hats) intended to mimic nature and were used as trim for women's hats near the turn-of-the-century. I am a Plumassier (feather worker/artist) and in this piece show an evolution of shapes in feathers, with a nod to the fact that we are all different but made of the same elements. It is my statement to the world to unify and learn from the past, not to discriminate and to fly together towards peace."
-Leah Chalfen

This striking piece will be shown and available for purchase at the AAF NYC 9/28-10/3

Dimensions: 25" x 60"