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News & Thoughts

Leah C. Couture millinery specializes in feather work and veils for special occasions and Bridal.

The Knot Magazine & J. Crew show us two fabulous Leah C. Veil looks

Leah Chalfen

Heather Levine and her team at The Knot consistently do fantastic layouts that highlight the industry's most outstanding offerings to brides-to-be. I just love this view of our Leah C. Mini Birdcage veil available directly through the  NYC studio, 1.212.947.3505 and also the fantastic J. Crew Bridal and special occasions shop on Madison Avenue offers brides-to-be one-of-a-kind Leah C. veils and head wear. They are located at 769 Madison Avenue btw. 66th & 65th streets.

Make your appointment now with Leah to see the variety of styles she designs to suit your wedding day look and unique personality!

Leah C. Couture Millinery

124 West 30th Street, NYC.
