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News & Thoughts

Leah C. Couture millinery specializes in feather work and veils for special occasions and Bridal.

This Bridal Market it's all about sharing.

Leah Chalfen

Super prices + Super selection


All our silk & feather hair ornaments and veils on display will be at ready to share prices.

BUYERS! Come have fun selecting what catches your eye during our big sale in our Bridal department.  Before spending at trade shows, select Made in USA/ Made in Manhattan unique designs from Leah C..

In celebration of new focus on our special wide net veils and specific signature pieces, we have great prices of our current merchandise from both the Couture and AVIARY collections on display in the showroom.

We appreciate you and want to share these mini-masterpieces with you and your discerning clients.

Make your appointment now, the earlier the better for the best selection!
