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News & Thoughts

Leah C. Couture millinery specializes in feather work and veils for special occasions and Bridal.

Super September Showroom Sale at Leah C. ! September 16th through the 20th, NYC

Leah Chalfen

Enthusiastically making way for a new product line, we encourage you to shop our showroom or to browse and shop online at our for amazing values during our

Super Sale starting Wednesday, September 16th through Sunday the 20th!

The best deals on all seasonal merchandise and archive pieces from your favorite couture milliner and editorial favorite, Leah C. !

Beautiful headbands, feathery hair combs, cocktail hats, bridal head wear for brides-to-be, evening mini veils plus Leah's signature mini beret's are $100 off.

Mini Top Hat $250 originally $450
Mini Beret $100 & $150 originally $200 & $300
Evening hair comb $165 normally $385

plus many other categories of pieces priced on sale at 50% off....

SHOWROOM location

124 W. 30th St. Suite #203 between 6th & 7th avenues


Sale dates & hours:

Wed. September 16- Fri. 18   10am to 7pm

Sat. 19                 11am to 7pm

Sun. 20              11am to 5pm


Looking forward to seeing you!

Happy September,

all the best from

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