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News & Thoughts

Leah C. Couture millinery specializes in feather work and veils for special occasions and Bridal.

Filtering by Tag: Veils

Kristen from NYC weds in Toronto, beautiful!!

Leah Chalfen

Kristen, such flair and what an incredible gown!

Photographed by: Jackson Huang at Ikonica

jackson couches

The deluxe set:

Aside from Kristen's piece, she included her best ladies, her sisters & the little ones got a piece of Leah C. too...

Wonderful quote from Kristen: "Really, the feather was amazing, the bridesmaids were super chic and the little girls looked like angels.  You helped elevate our look to a whole new level."

leah bridesmaids

leah two

WOW, love it!jackson kc waiting alone

Thank you for sharing Kristen, you look absolutely stunning...