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Leah Chalfen : Plumassier

Leah Chalfen

Hello all!

I am Leah, your Light As A Feather designer and I love working with feathers! I make lots of different object d'art with plumes of all sorts from couture hats to delicate mobiles.

The official title for this "job" is best described by the French term; Plumassier. 

noun plu·mas·sier \¦plümə¦si(ə)r; plüˈmasēˌā, -ēər\
Definition : one that prepares or deals in ornamental plumes or feathers

We get a further explanation from the Instistut National Metier D'Art:
The plumassier prepares feathers, manufactures and sells fittings that become accessories or costume pieces. They are intended for magazines, the Republican Guard, academics, the folk groups, to haute couture, military, theater, cinema and opera. The feathers can also be used for trimmings and decorative objects.

That sums it up but the important thing to remember is there is a lot of particular technique employed as well as skill, knowledge and emotion involved in the treatment of these organic materials. In France the schools take this educational path very seriously and teach age old techniques and applications. I also treat my work as a plumassier very seriously and will be posting my artist's statement very soon to give more insight to my take on this unusual artistic endeavor!

Photo: Florence Depreester

Please feel free to contact me for collaboration proposals, commissions, exhibition opportunities, interviews, etc. as it is my pleasure to share the feathery love.