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PHOTOGRAPHER IRVING PENN: Remembering an iconic artist who shaped our style & design perspective.

Leah Chalfen

Owning beautiful, soulful objet d'art is part of living a stylish & inspired life. 

The mighty Irving Penn photographed Leah's couture millinery for American VOGUE (as seen below).  Penn's photos make us take note of silhouettes & hats while his innate skill inspires us to observe in fine detail human expression, skin, fabric and nature.

A duet of duets exemplifies the use of the materials in LAAF by Leah C. chic & fashionable decorative creations. Her head wear makes graceful use of Ostrich & Peacock feathers and these materials appear again as couture lamp shades in combination with other Millinery materials such as translucent Sinamay straw & horsehair. Leah's hand, eye and intuition is one of a fashion designer in the niche realm of feather work.

These couture lamp shades can be incorporated into your designs as statement pendant lamps or floor lamps as well as smaller diameters for use as table lamp shades. Call today to discuss & explore! 212.947.3505

For Decorators incorporating Pantone's 2017 colors of the year, a group of these named tones will be present in the fresh, new LAAF by Leah C. collections debuting in 2017; 

  • CAPE COD : features textures, colors and inspiration from Leah's life long summer retreat
  • da FUORI al DENTRO (from outside to inside): features beautiful greens which bring the joy of a lush outdoors, indoors