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Leah Chalfen

What purpose does a gift serve? 

There really is an art to giving the perfect gift!

Photos: ROBERT CLARK/ National Geographic

Natures Glory, Leah's artistic medium : feathers


With a saturated marketplace and very little time to shop & select just the right thing what is the thought process behind seeking the perfect gift for a loved one, friend, colleague, etc. ?

Is the gift of a:

  • Practical nature: fill a white wall begging for some inspired gazes
  • Soulful nature: knowing you, I know you will love this objet d'art
  • Stylish nature: let me help you replace an outdated lampshade with a new & fascinating one
  • Recognize the interest someone has: I want to feed your interest in art, nature (or feathers;) )
  • Purely artistic: you have an eye for what inspires you I recognize that with this gift of unique Air Art
  • Share: I love this silhouette of a bird and want to share my curated pick & taste with you
  • Supportive of the arts & the lost art of feather work: I support the arts because they add joy and creativity to our lives. Here is something fascinating that we have never seen before, let's keep it alive for future sharing!

Need advice?  We are here to guide you in making a intentional selection and smart investment in one of our pieces. laaf(at)