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Our "expert advice" quoted by ProSource Wholesale

Leah Chalfen

photo is a link to article

We think gold accents bring pure joy into the visual pleasure of a space. Check out our new product line Light As A Feather by Leah C. for options to incorporate delicate gold into your environment!

Leah gives her opinions in the Expert Advice article :

“Other colors in the room can influence the tasteful placement of the gold accents,” says Leah Chalfen, designer of Light as a Feather by Leah C., a luxury line of products for interiors.

“Generally warmer tones, regal colors, or even dramatic white marble next to golds are successful in an overall room decor.”

“Many furniture categories have beautiful metal elements in the pieces, so be sure that there is also a softer, contrasting material, such as fabric, in the item.”

Adds Chalfen, “Gold touches make us happy. Look at your entire space and decide on specific special touches to delight the eye.”

We say a perfect 10! Thanks Prosource!!