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IDEA BOARD: Glamorous Man Cave or lounging area

Leah Chalfen

Here are some decor thoughts on elements for a comfortable and chic chill area for the glamorous man in your life... we suggest our 

From >

LAMP SHADE: LAAF LS05 Ostrich Diamond in Black


Diameter: 20" Height: 10" Category: pendant, table or floor DRUM SHADE Ask about custom colors and custom sizes.

and our

From >

WALL ART: LAAF WA 04 3 up Painted Turkey Fancy


* Description: Triple Aigrette * Color of art: Black & Gold with touches of white * Frame: Black with Gold Fillet * Dimensions: 28.25" x 24.25" * 

to grace the space and add a cool & classy calm vibe.

We hope you agree and can easily arrange delivery of your order at your convenience. Contact Leah or Cyndi with any custom size desires or questions!