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Leah Chalfen

As a professional Property stager, choosing LUXURY HOME STAGING ELEMENTS is your forte.

Consider this:
Since the focus of working on property staging for a luxury real estate client is to bring value to the property and emotionally entice the prospective buyer, let us supply some exceptional elements that satisfy this objective.  

Enthrall potential buyers by adding LAAF by Leah C. striking wall art and distinct lamp shades as focal points to the property you are staging and watch it sell quickly

Our distinct Wall Art can cover a variety of decor objectives because of the graphic nature of our featured silhouettes. LAAF by Leah C. decor items can enlighten a

Contemporary & Modern  presentation

  • for urban or suburban properties  

  • industrial or hipster environment

  • coastal and beachy or country interiors

Traditional & Classic  presentation

  • for a historic reference or fine art touch in period properties or

  • true to style, classic style sensibilities in the interiors

Accessorize: use our Air Art to turn corner spaces into a chic interest points that make every inch of the space you are staging usable and memorable to incoming potential buyers.

Streamlined statement pieces can target a buyer pool by layering in accessories that reflect the lifestyle you want the property to project.

As you know, details matter and will resonate with the buyer!


CONTACT: Leah Chalfen

212.947.3505 or

to acquire these special pieces